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New B.C. building permit hub launched to speed up homebuilding

May 28, 2024  By Government of B.C.

To get more homes built faster and address challenges in B.C.’s housing market, a new digital building permit hub will help streamline and standardize local permitting processes.

“The permitting process can be slow and complicated, delaying the construction of homes we urgently need,” said Premier David Eby. “Together, we’ve made progress cutting provincial and municipal permitting times, but we have to keep going. This new one-stop shop for local building permits will reduce red tape for homebuilders, local governments and First Nations, and ultimately save money, speed up construction and help people get into homes faster.”

The province is digitizing local permit processes to make it easier and faster for homeowners and industry professionals to submit applications to local governments and First Nations. The hub is the next step in the province’s work to speed up homebuilding and reduce the costs of housing, and meet the province’s goal for British Columbia to become a North American leader in digital permitting and construction.

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