Wood Business

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Editorial: Of celebrations and milestones, plus CFI’s May/June issue is out now!

It’s been a year since I took over the reins of CFI as editor

June 8, 2023  By  Jennifer Ellson

This issue is likely to inspire. This is also a celebration of milestones – of 60 years of running a multi-generational family enterprise such as Fink’s Sawmill; or growing a family-run venture like Capital Timber; or starting a logging business from scratch like Mazereeuw Timber, at 25 years old, during the pandemic, in high inflation and economic crunch.

There are many other inspiring stories worth celebrating in these 52 pages: Indigenous partnerships in the forestry sector; communities working together towards wildfire resiliency; well-attended industry events that addressed the pressing issues of the sector; an industry leader steering his company into a new era of forestry; tools to improve one’s return on investment in a difficult business climate; and of course improving safety and making the industry more female-friendly, which are always a cause for celebration and are always sources of inspiration.

Speaking of milestones, I am celebrating one myself: on May 30, it will be a year since I assumed the role of editor for Canadian Forest Industries. It’s been a year since I’ve been entrusted with the journalistic legacy of CFI, Canada’s leading forest industries magazine since 1881, and I take that responsibility seriously.

In a year, I’ve been fortunate to have visited several sawmills and woodlands from coast to coast; hosted and attended many industry events, both virtually and in person; and spoke to a lot of you, which allowed me to put together six fabulous editions, if I may say so. I am committed to continue to produce quality issues, and with your help, I can keep reporting about our industry.

Jennifer Ellson, CFI editor.I would like to use the occasion of my first CFI birthday to re-introduce myself to anyone who missed it the first time around. I now have some 25 years of industry and journalistic experience. I came to CFI from FPInnovations, where I was an editor and media relations specialist. I have held editorial positions in various media – including prior stints at international forest industry publications such as Pulp & Paper Canada, and Fastmarkets RISI’s Pulp & Paper International (Brussels, Belgium), and Pulp & Paper Asia News (Singapore). In between, I wrote and edited for international outlets such as Financial Times, Forbes, Newsweek, and Montreal Gazette, among others.

I want to reiterate that your engagement with what we put out every day is very important to me because I may be the editor, but this is your CFI.  Please continue to email, tweet and DM us on social media, or simply like, heart or tag us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Tell me what you would like to read more of – who and what you would like to see being featured and profiled. Most of our stories are based on your suggestions – your input is crucial in publishing high quality stories and in-depth articles that you have come to expect in every issue. If you have a story idea, write to us – or even better, write for us! 

The return of in-person events in the past year really helped me in presenting unique and helpful content simply by my conversations with a lot of you. I look forward to meeting more of you – let’s keep inspiring each other and see you soon at future events. 

For now, enjoy the comprehensive features we have for you in this edition of CFI.

Read the May/June issue now!

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